tgk ni. sireh junjung. kain. buah. cupcake. cookies. potpourri. *item no.7* takkan nk bagi makanan lagi =.="
After browsing through Google, dan menyingkirkan choices yang mahal, membazir dan hanya mengumpul habuk. lol then...
tadaaaa kain songket gubah jadi tengkolok. but of course im not going to give the songket, we would rent it on the day. perhaps. :p ok taruk lg pic.
Apakebende yg aku nk bagi neh? jeng3 kain pelikat lalalala~ (lagu Anuar Zain ye adik2). Seriously. I asked him and he said OK. He said sometimes he also wears it at home kihkihkih how cute =D
So I told my mum about that and she agreed, yala apart from her suggestion of giving more food =.=" or towel. Which I was saving it for hantaran nikah ( dasar pandang kedepan okei )
Aaaannddd she offered to go find a good kain pelekat and someone that can gubah it into tengkolok!! Yippee!! because I couldn't find a good tutorial on how to fold kain pelikat into tengkolok. *sigh again*
I don't know why but I just couldn't find a good sample of gubahan kain utk hantaran pihak lelaki, asal carik gubahan kain, jumpa gubahan telekung, gubahan batik, bentuk bunga, rama-rama, kipas!! urgh tak seswai la nk bagi bunga utk lelaki kan? tak maskulin gitu, last resort, perhaps buat bentu buah mcm ni aje. Grape shape is quite nice since kain is purple lol
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dah macam reben obi dah :p *obi tu tali pinggang pakai dgn yukata/kimono* |
This is what I'm talking about. Hantaran untuk pompan senang! Rama-rama, bunga, even kebaya pon ada ngehe
cmne nak buat bentuk tanjak tu ye?
pls reply me asap, tq!
sorry, yang tu taktau.. aritu pon antar kedai gubahkan hehe
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